Seems that the term classified no longer has much meaning. In any event, this SOFA version (purportedly the English version) may have more credibility than what the media has been reporting.

New Iraq security pact would rule out US troop extension past 2011, ban cross-border attacks
AP News
Nov 10, 2008 08:46 EST

The proposed U.S.-Iraqi security pact removes language authorizing Iraq to ask U.S. soldiers to stay beyond 2011 and bans cross-border attacks from Iraqi soil, according to a copy of the draft obtained Monday by The Associated Press.

The latest draft, sent Thursday to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, also strengthens language regarding Iraqi sovereignty but does not appear to make significant changes in the limited legal authority granted to Iraq to prosecute U.S. soldiers for major crimes committed off post and off duty. ...

While the AP did not publish the full text, it did quote some provisions:

The new draft states that U.S. troops must be out of Iraqi cities by June 30 and leave the country entirely by Dec. 31, 2011. The previous draft authorized the Iraqi government to ask U.S. troops to stay beyond that for training and other assistance.

But the current draft states simply that "United States forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than Dec. 31, 2011."
President-elect Barack Obama pledged during the campaign to bring all combat troops home within 16 months of his inauguration Jan. 20. An Iraqi official said Obama had been briefed on the current draft and raised no objection.
The draft agreement — 24 pages in the English version — also states that "Iraqi land, sea and air shall not be used as a launching or transit point for attacks against other countries."
As a further assurance, the deal is now officially an agreement "on the withdrawal of United States forces from Iraq" and the "organization of their activities during their temporary presence."
If accurate, the last sentence says it all. GEN McCaffrey's report (adjacent thread by h2harris) should be read in light of what may be an accurate version of the draft SOFA - which is sounding much less than a SOFA.

According to my clock, we are now into the 11th day of the 11th month. So, it is time to remember all of our veterans who have predeceased us, including my dad - and his foxhole partner who was killed that day 18 Oct 1944. PVT Miller, you may have few or none left to remember you, but we do - both you and the Graywolf.