Quote Originally Posted by bourbon View Post
I believe it conjures up a sense of zero-sumness toward humanity, which this crowd finds vulgar and anathema to their world view.
I certainly agree with that one...

On the other, I partly agree but this segment
...But I think the "enlightened" crowd will "get it" when explained in non-zero terms.
however, I question.

Based on my admittedly limited but even today ongoing (have two neighbors who are Profs at a local University) contact with Academics, I believe many are so enamored of the communitarian and one world approach and so convinced of the inherent goodness of humankind that they will reject any absolutes or even near absolutes regarding those two issues -- which may be what you meant -- but, more importantly, will be offended at a minimum by any anyone espousing a different view. Indeed, some get downright hostile... (which I find very interesting and which seems hypocritical at least...)

IOW, their bias gets in the way of their common sense. Lot of that going around.

I think, on balance, the basic question and the several answers thus far point to the fact that people are different, which we all know -- and that some are (I think genetically) inclined to, or accepting of, violence and absolutes while others eschew or dislike both those things in an effort to seek universal collegiality.

I'm not sure many in the world really appreciate the tremendous depth of misunderstandings and problems caused by that latter difference. Or that many can accept that difference as a very real problem in human relations and discourse...