I believe. I agree totally with what he says.

I do, however, have a somewhat pertinent but mildly off topic point to make based on one small item:
"...With only 400 BGs in the Army..."
Use of the word 'only' possibly implies; a small number; there could or should be more; or a similar thought.

I'd throw out that the Army -- all the services -- are over-Officered. That is to say the ratio of Officers:Enlisted persons is too highly tilted toward the former. I strongly question that a Flag Officer strength that prevailed with 12+ million people in uniform in 1945 is needed when there are less than 2M today...

We should acknowledge that part of this overstrength is due to Branch / Service infighting and parochialism. Part is due, I think, to a cultural bias that is slow to change and I certainly acknowledge that part is based on a perceived real need. There are other minor reasons but all things considered, over 45 years of observation at all levels from Rifle company to walking the hallowed halls of 'E' ring, from Private to reasonably senior DAC have led me to strongly question the urgency and reality of that need.

I do understand that a critical part of the rationale is a potential and needed mobilization hedge but I submit that there are other and better ways to achieve that aim. The selected method, in part Congressionally imposed, provides much 'excess' and allows or forces the Army to put many competent people into mind destroying, make work staff jobs. (Note: been on a lot of staffs, watched even more. Have seen several that probably were not needed, some that existed only to justify a Flag slot, never served on or saw one that at TOE/TDA strength was not IMO bloated. My sensing is also that the Army is not alone in this less than desirable methodology). See also other comments on the topic by serving Officers on numerous other threads on this board...

That in turn, drives many competent people out of the Army (and Navy and Marines, speaking from personal knowledge; don't know about the AF). I can think of well over 20 good officers with great potential I've personally known over the years who departed as CPT / Lt or MAJ / LCdr due to that problem. Give it some thought...