Slapout I was hoping you would join this discussion. I'm amazed at how often an old guy like you posts uTube videos, and they're always relevant. You're still on the cutting edge.

I understood broken glass to also include the enforcement of all minor laws such as jay walking, to demonstrate a zero tolerance for crime. Assuming that is the case, and the following assumptions are true:

- Some folks are going to buy drugs no matter what
- If drugs are illegal, then we're setting the conditions where more and more folks are getting desensitized about breaking the law.

That was my point.

I was hoping some current and former law enforcement officers would have surfaced some other issues, such as crimes related to drug habits (gotta have it, gotta pay for it, so I need to rob a 7-11, etc.).

The debate on whether to legalize drugs is complex, but my argument still stands that our methodology of prosecuting the drug war is undermining friendly nations and having little impact on the supply side. I proposed one socialably unacceptable proposal to think about. What are your thoughts? Continue to the same? A course change? What is it?