Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
I hope everyone is keeping in mind as they read any of the articles that I have written, or the strings of commentary provided here, that what I am proposing, in its simplest terms, is merely a change of priority and focus, and a corresponding change of who is the supported agency for U.S. engagement abroad...
Which were:""Now that what is happening to us? In what way are we blind? What could we do to avoid 'it?'"" However, I think that one item in your recent comment:
Rare is the government that is going to admit its failures and shortcomings...
will significantly impact the ability of the US to do what you suggest. That statement gets me to the not fully answered item in my queries:
So again, I am not saying that we need to stop doing anything, we just need to change our priorities, change our focus, change our leads, and do a better job of seeking first to understand WHY things are the way they are before going in and apply a “Made in America”, one size fits all, solution.
I suspect most here -- most in the US, maybe even the world -- would agree with that. Many of us have long believed along those lines to one degree or another. The question is:

How do you get the Elephant to turn and to be agile?