Services are exchanged between organizations, political and criminal, essentially at the ring level. Following is an example of such an exchange which puts Islamists and Mafia members in contact with each other: in Milan in November 1994, Italian police stopped Djamel Loucini, no. 3 of the FIS, who was suspected of having engaged for three years in an intensive traffic in weapons intended for resistance groups. To organize the deliveries, Loucini had first relied on rings of North African drug traffickers operating in southwestern Germany. They provided him with their logistical support (in particular couriers) to convey weapons via France, Spain and Morocco in exchange for access to Loucini's financial operations to launder revenues from their illegal activities. Settled in Italy since January 1994, Loucini had gained access to the Mafia's underground channels - in particular the drug connections of the Neapolitan Camorra and the labour trafficking connections in western Sicily - to assist in transporting weapons to Algeria.

Although it is not out of the question that certain criminal rings might convert to the revolutionary cause, particularly when that cause is a religious one, the reverse is what most often occurs.

ROME (Reuters) - Italian investigators have found a link between Islamic militant groups and the Camorra, one of Italy's main organized crime groups, a top anti-Mafia investigator said on Monday.
"We have evidence that groups of the Camorra are implicated in an exchange of weapons for drugs with terrorist groups," Pierluigi Vigna, Italy's national anti-mafia prosecutor, told reporters at the foreign press club.

Asked what kind of groups, he said: "Islamic terrorist groups."

By 1981, Pakistani laboratories, with the Sicilian mafia as their intermediaries, were supplying over 60 percent of the US heroin demand and an even greater proportion of Europe's market. By the mid-1980s, an individual mafia cosce, the Badalmenti, was distributing bulk heroin directly across America through the facade of local pizza parlors and accumulating extraordinarily profits.

While the modern mafia may have grown Mercury's wings to move drugs across Asia to the Americas, the logic of laundering brought its cosce back home to Palermo to seek a safe haven for narco profits. Such an expanded local base may also have contributed to mafia's growing penetration of the Italian state. With a vast capital from its role as heroin broker, the mafia increased its control over the hidden politics that operated at the intersection of the Italian state, parties, corporations and criminality. Specifically, the better capitalized mafia cosce were able to begin dictating the agenda for public works and the allocation of their illegal profits, reaching beyond the South to the whole of Italy

Italian investigators have found a link between Islamic terrorist groups and the Camorra, one of Italy's main organized crime groups, a top anti-Mafia investigator said Monday. "We have evidence that groups of the Camorra are implicated in an exchange of weapons for drugs with terrorist groups," Pierluigi Vigna, Italy's national anti-mafia prosecutor, told reporters at the foreign press club. Vigna, whose Rome-based office coordinates the work of magistrates investigating organized crime in Italy, said he could not give more details. Pressed further, he suggested the cooperation came about after a member of the Camorra, the Naples-area version of the Sicilian Mafia, converted to Islam and met in prison with Muslims who had been arrested in Italy. Aked what kind of terrorist groups, he said: "Islamic terrorist groups."

have reported arm smuggling activities by Italian and other European crime organization to Palestinian groups in the middle east, and between Italian crime groups involved in both arms and drug trafficking and various Arab clients through the Syrian Government. Terrorists in Italy are said to have assisted the Sicilian mafia, the Neapolitan Camorra and Calabrian gangsters in smuggling narcotics.