Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
The solution to that is to not get ambushed or caught by such an enemy force. I'm not being facetious; that can be done with better training and some practice -- it has been and is being done by numerous US units in a lot of places over the years and today. I strongly disagree with those who say "that's too expensive" and "most units can't get to that point." I do acknowledge that you cannot get that to 100% surety -- or even 90 or maybe 85% -- but you can get to 75% at a minimum. That's good enough. Unless one is unduly risk averse.That's the part I don't understand? Do you mean accusations of wrongdoing, war crime-like?

And yes thats what I meant

Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
If so, I think the Colombian's have the right answer; a few forensic teams on strip alert ready to fly to and investigate any incident, gather evidence and report it honestly and rapidly to the world press...
True enough, but exactly how long would it be before the bad guys get really good at leaving forensic evidence to support what they are trying to sell. they got tech too. And in that case what have you got to lean on other than he said she said between locals and your guys.

Also which one is more likely to be accepted?