Quote Originally Posted by Ron Humphrey View Post
...True enough, but exactly how long would it be before the bad guys get really good at leaving forensic evidence to support what they are trying to sell. they got tech too. And in that case what have you got to lean on other than he said she said between locals and your guys.
I'm not at all sure that such evidence is that easy to leave -- or difficult to counter. In any event, every action develops an equal and opposite reaction so we're confronted with the usual see saw effect of tactical ploys and counterploys. We will be slower due to the ineffable bureaucracy but we usually eventually get there...
Also which one is more likely to be accepted?
Depends on many things. There are those who will judge by the facts as they seem to be exposed, those who will defend the US or Allied position and those -- a majority in the world -- who are prepared to believe the US is evil ergo it must be wrong on our part. That's reality and it's not likely to change as long as we're the 800 pound gorilla; your kids may see a different world, you and I are unlikely to do so.

Been that way in the world since the 50s. The NKVD / MVD / KGB did their job well.

A bigger question is; does it really make that much difference who's believed in the long run? I think not. Results matter.