As Ken noted, the identity of the Dateline D.C. writer is hidden and quite possibly a legend:

(from article)
Dateline D.C. is written by a Washington-based British journalist and political observer.
So, Anons as the sources for the article; and Anon as its author.

The Tribune-Review Publishing Company is owned by heir to the Mellon banking, oil, and aluminum fortune, Richard Mellon Scaife.

Not to claim any kind of conspriracy or whatnot - or to allege that RMS signed off on this particular article.

The Anon columnist writes regularly (about weekly) - article index is here -

and this is not his (her) first on intelligence - one from this year is here.

Restoring intelligence
By Dateline D.C.
Sunday, August 10, 2008

WASHINGTON -- Coincidences happen surprisingly often.

At the end of July, political legend Anne Armstrong died in Texas. Among her many firsts:

• Armstrong served in the Cabinets of three presidents as the first female presidential counselor

• As U.S. ambassador to London, appointed by President Gerald Ford in 1975

• As a member and chairwoman of President Ronald Reagan's Foreign Intelligence Board (1982-1990).

A recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Armstrong held many secrets and was equally ferocious in the defense of her country, friends and freedom. She will be sorely missed.

Also as July ended, President George W. Bush signed a new executive order governing the competing bureaucracies of the 16 information-gathering groups under National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell.
.... [lengthy discussion]
and here.

Philip Agee, traitor
By Dateline D.C.
Sunday, January 20, 2008

A failed American, Philip Burnett Franklin Agee, 72, "Pont" to the KGB for nearly four decades, is dead in Cuba, his spiritual home. He was a traitor, paid by the Cubans and Russians.

For much of his life, this irresponsible financial sponge and a sad excuse for a case officer betrayed the CIA, his friends and those who worked to protect the United States.

In the 1970s, Agee and his friends made headlines. They did their best, helped by the KGB, to harm the United States and its policies. ....
Sounds like an American to me.

"Who would want" - Multiple choices (everyone can fill in their own favorites), who are not necessarily on the same page and each possibly on their own separate page.