Quote Originally Posted by Umar Al-Mokhtār View Post
I believe that the crux of Sgt Hanson's point was that by saturating an area with numerous fire teams operating as stealthily (tactically) as possible, vice squads moving in the open acting more as a ‘presence,’ that some would always be undetected.
The UK did this all the time in Northern Ireland. "Bricks" - UK Fire teams - would alternate between open patrolling and "lurking", while co-operating with other "satellite" patrols.

Of course this would mean a major paradigm shift in the way our infantry operates and leadership thinks, the grunts would have to operate less like a ground pounder and more like SF. Boy oh boy, SOCOM would be in a tizzy then.
It is really not useful to distinguish between SF and Infantry when it comes to small unit tactics. WHY the differentiation and antagonism persists is a mystery

There are many who have made the fatal mistake of underestimating the intellectual prowess of Marine NCOs.
The intellectual powers of ENLISTED Marines have never worried me.....