Bill Moore, under declared war we did the one thing we have not done and should have done. We mobilized our entire country to fight the war. Which gave us the resources to do anything necessary to win. In short we had a plan for was all Strategic and Stuff. Now we have a very good and professional Army that is being worn out. That sucks and it ain't right to keep doing that. If this GWOT,Iraq,Astan,Mexico, is truley a war for our national survival than we need to fight it as a nation, not just the Army (Army/USMC all military don't mean to leave anyone out).

I read Tom's paper while eating chicken wings at work, best way to do it I know it's not Tom's paper but Tom posted it so I just call it that for short. Important paper and worth the read.

Bob's World, there is actually a book online about the history of UW,Guerrilla warfare that talks about renaming missions just like you propose, In fact it was done that way for awhile. It talks about creating counter organizations for specific enemies. Anyway I will find the link and post it for all to read.

OPS is a critical part of understanding how to fight these RICO organizations because that is what they are IMHO more than anything else.

Alabama lost: but it was a good game. Roll Tide!