Quote Originally Posted by Polarbear1605 View Post
Since the Blackwater guys are going to Federal Court, I suspect they are going to be charge for violations aginst the Rules of Law (read MEJA here). I have a feeling that this is going in the same direction as the Sgt Nazario case. Sgt Nazario and two of his squad were charge with killing 4 prisoners during the battle of Fallujah under the new MEJA (MILITARY EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION ACT). In the Nazario case, since there was no evidence, the prosecutor used judical waterboarding (GI Wilson and William McNulty terms) to try and get the Marines to roll on one another.
Looks like the same scenario here. It will be interesting to see what evidence the government does have to support the charges. This gets back to an issue I would love to discuss: What applies here the Rules of Law or the Law of Armed Conflict (Rules of War). I think the political powers are finding they can't get their scape goats under the Rules of War and, consequently, they are running to their mama's political civil law bosoms.
Hey Polarbear, Welcome to the Council ! As time permits you, please go here and introduce yourself. Helps us with where you're coming from.

I'm not very familiar with SGT Nazario's case. From the links you provided, it appears the NCO was on active duty. In such an instance I would wholeheartedly agree with you, the NCOs should have faced a Courts Marshall, judged and observed by peers and superiors.

The Blackwater PMCs are unfortunately not subject to the UCMJ and already looks like these relatively young former Marines and Soldiers will bear the brunt of their (in)actions instead of a few rich bandits in DC.

Regards, Stan