22 Nov. Washington Times - General Seeks 'Patience' on Iraq

The top U.S. commander for Iraq urged "patience" from "within the Beltway" on the war in Iraq and predicted that the tide of battle will improve next year once a permanent Iraqi government has been elected and put into place.

...the head of U.S. Central Command was emotional in making his case that a rejuvenated Iraqi security force will be able one day to defeat terrorists..

"It's not hard to deal with patience in the Middle East. Everyone is patient," Gen. Abizaid told reporters... "The only problem that there appears to be a patience problem is within the Beltway. ... When I talk to civilian audiences, I don't get the same sense of impatience that I detect here in the Beltway."

"... Gen. Abizaid made it clear that he is unhappy with press coverage, saying journalists do not report adequately on the enemy's brutal tactics, such as blowing up mosques and schools, kidnappings and videotaped beheadings."