Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
To finally get around to your real question... Yes, the Ambassador as a civilian can and has in the past trashed an otherwise perfect military career with the stoke of a pen.
When I was in Iran the Ambassador for a really dumb reason convinced the Beirut Based SG Company Commander to relieve the Tehran Marine detachment NCOIC, an Italian from Boston and send him and two Black Marines back to the States. It was 1970 and said Ambassador desired no Black Marines at his Embassy. Unbelievable.

Four days later, I was the duty NCO and met the embassy flight. Down the ramp walked the same two Black Marines and the largest, blackest Gunnery Sergeant I ever saw. I of course offered 'em a ride to the Marine house. Turns out the former NCOIC reported what had happened, the Asst Cmdt, GEN Lew Walt called for the Gunny whom he knew, told him the story and asked him if he would accept assignment to Tehran. Lew Also sent a new Major to Beirut...

The Ambassador was recalled to DC very quickly, and was replaced permanently by his Deputy. I'd like to report that the Ambassador left the Foreign Service in disgrace but you know better than that...

Sometimes most things work out pretty well, though ...