Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
I'm equally sure the media do not care that the issue, while problematic in western terms, is -- at the specific juncture of east and west where it is occurring and noted -- extremely difficult to resolve
Too true, but I understand (see below) that OMLT members are starting to mention to AFG troops and cops they're training that it's not exactly cool doing this, cultural history or not, to people they're supposed to be seen to protect. Given all the other balls in the air for fighting and training troops, this is at least SOMETHING.

Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
such articles fed to fat, comfortable westerners who are in warm houses and well fed under nominally good government and the rule of law (heh...) will do nothing but excite a lot of babble and outcry that will change nothing and will serve only to put the poor CAF at risk...
The Torch, a Canadian military web log, sums it up reasonably well, I think (offered in the knowledge that there's a Canadian military Board of Inquiry investigating allegations that have not been proven beyond mentions in mainstream media)...
....My bottom line: if abuse like this is happening on Canadian FOB's, with Canadian troops turning a blind eye, then it needs to stop. I'm told that the OMLT's and POMLT's are already advising the ANSF that they mentor that regardless of cultural traditions, it's unprofessional conduct from a force whose raison d'etre is the protection of Afghan citizens.

By all means, let's make sure the CF is stopping the abuse where and when it can. But if you're looking to condemn the entire Afghan mission because of these accusations, remember there's still a big baby in that bathwater you're about to toss down the drain. Don't stop fixing anything just because you can't fix everything at once.