Quote Originally Posted by Ray Levesque View Post
First, up front, I'm an Army intel guy and have been for .... heck, a long time. Second, you can blame the supporters of "transformation" and the RMA, whose efforts were led by the Navy and Air Force -- two services that believe targeting is strategy. Third, the Army was punished, and has been punished repeatedly under Rumsfeld, for saying the RMA techo-babble-solution won't work and the wippings continued before and after the invasion of Iraq. Fourth, the Army mission is different than the USMC mission -- in ADDITION to LIC the Army is supposed to fight the country's conventional wars. Fifth, let's not forget that the Army had the lead in El Salvador and other places in Latin America.

The problem is not with the services...it's with the policy makers who cannot develop a strategy and force structure to deal with the REAL wars of today and the future.
I retired as a Marine Intel and CI type. I was also a Marine Intel GS. I have also spent a lot of time with Army MI types (heck, I am Huachuca trained for both MI and CI) and I agree with your assessment - Marine vs. Army crap. The Army had a lot jammed down its throat under the rubik of 'transformation' (and I will agree with Art that a lot of it was 'contractor-tech' driven). Still, the 'little Army' (the Iron Majors - to include company-grade and SNCO / NCO ranks) 'got it'... Moreover, there are a few things that the Marine Intel community could learn from the Army - nay - quite a bit. JMHO.