Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
as a western puppet and therefor harming his lightness?

Messing with local beliefs and morals by an Armed Force (as opposed to many other agencies) is a really, really bad idea. The potential for express or implied coercion can have bad connotations. It should be diligently avoided like Wal-Mart says, All ways and Always...
I originally finished that post with an -

And jump on the bandwagon but decided against it.
That however is actually what I meant. The key to all such things is who's leading the effort. and the enabler's provided them be it support in physical, sociological or otherwise. It still comes back to those who choose such change from withiin their own populace.

While I get where your coming from I still think that in many ways choosing sides is not always as misconstrued by those we are there to help so much as attempts are made by those we're fighting against.

The idea of putting leaders you find on a pedestal because you agree with them should not necessarily be confused with helping to build pedestals for those who might otherwise not have the mike in which to speak.

Probably not a bad idea to knock down some pedestals to make it harder for those who can't sing to actually make it to said mike