Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
I have posted this audio interview with General Gavin before but here it is again March of 1972 when he was CEO of Artur D. Little in Boston,Mass. He believed there would be 5 power centers US,China,Japan,Europe,Russia and it looks like he is going to be right as he was about so many other things. Also he thought the US should "break up into regions" because Washington was to out of touch with reality to govern properly. But enough talk listen for yourself.

Yes sir,

This speech by LTG Gavin was indeed groundbreaking. I recall him predicting multi-polarity & "economic bases of power". He was correct. Also he decried the danger of "transideological MNCs".

As a business leader myself I take the lesson that a corporation, like a man, can be good or evil.

It was US regionalist thought on the good man's part, but I don't know if he supported a "break-up" of the union, as it were. He said we needed to essentially update the Constitution. This took guts to say but I agreed with him as regards application of automation & accountability in limiting bureacracy.

My father & I developed a programme of methodology to improve governance at the Federal level with the IBM 5100 as the base line for eliminating graft & largesse. Fairness algorithms were developed & a sense of right & wrong was morally offered.

I also agreed with the LTGs desire to replace the JCS with a staff in order to alleviate inter-service rivalries.

So.... multi-polarism is the way of the world, even in the Pentomic/Thermonuclear age, to use those two old terms. I wouldn't say that its inherently more or less perilous than the dual superpower arrangement which held at its heart the prospect of much larger first strikes.

Also I assert that reports of the USSR's demise have been greatly exaggerated by her assets in the Western Media. All the way back to the Ukranian Genocide of 1932-33 & earlier, the newsmen of the west have been Moscow's best friends.

Now they want us to forget all about the Soviet threat as if its gone away.