Quote Originally Posted by ODB View Post
IAs far as having our own aviation unit, yes SOF does, but ask any SF guy when the last time they were flown by that unit. Us lowly SF guys are not sexy enough for them, we get much better support from conventional aviation and other services aviation units. When talking an infil platform it is just that a means to move from point A to point B, not a lot of special/elite training needed to do that. So in essence if I was to be moved by bus I would need an elite bus driver to drive me because he/she is so much better at driving.....sorry does not pass the common sense factor.
I agree with most of what you said, but not this. Look into the history of WHY the SOF aviation unit was created aka "Operation Eagle Claw". There are requirments for flying SF missions that differ from GPF missions. I just can not think of armor asset missions that SF would do with eneough frequency to justify the creation of a mechanized SF unit. Perhaps a Ranger asset?