Quote Originally Posted by Bill Moore View Post
Slapout, I converting slapout combat and slapout targeting into Bill Moore combat and Bill Moore targeting, then putting it on a password protected site so you couldn't see it Yet somehow you knew? I suspect it has something to do with your detective skills.

I did borrow heavily from the ideas posted over the years on the SWJ council, and contacted many of the subject matter experts who contribute regularly to the SWJ to exchange ideas with them. The SWJ is mostly populated by an older and somewhat conservative crowd, but we're making the internet work for us very effectively.

When it came to the nug work of compiling the information into what we hope would be a useful product I had two OLD salty Sergeants Major keeping me in line, so it was hard to get to far off track. They actually stopped me from putting the Slapout Combat stuff in the handbook
All I can say is it must be a really good manual I guess I will have to go to one of those websites that gangs use and get a fresh copy.