Quote Originally Posted by Rex Brynen View Post
Pretty much every iPod doubles as a USB (or, in the earlier models, Firewire) hard disk. Indeed, its not at all unusual for them to be used by academics to carry sensitive interview notes across borders in places where border guards don't know this (but otherwise do examine or seize laptops, USB keys, CDs, etc).


Though Google Docs has fixed some of that. Or Mobile Me.

On a second or tertiary note I think I've mentioned before that stuff I've written has been grabbed by entities and classified. Though the documents reside on my computer outside the walls the context of what I wrote to others had them classify it.

An entity from ODNI and another from DHS when briefed on my dissertation research asked to read it before I publish. Jokingly the person from ODNI suggested they would just have my work classified under the national secrets act which I guess was never actually passed. Ha!

Though I have not had a clearance in 2 decades nor am I currently seeking one I have been shown classified information. I think they call is "special access" or some such type thing. Entities wanted my opinion about something so they let me read some stuff and I gave an opinion. All I had to do was sign an non-disclosure-agreement and those were only for three years. Though I use that as an example of breaches in standard Bell-Lapadula security models there was a certain amount of trust.

Even though the entities likely couldn't care less years later I don't discuss the topics involved. Trust is a form of respect. The public need to know is not more important than my respect for the entities involved or their respect for me. Though I think wikileaks serves some purpose I wonder if it is more about people with no respect for their country acting like fools.