Quote Originally Posted by patmc View Post
Basically, the Army has codified that everybody has to be able to do everything...
This is just one of the few times when the Army has acknowledged the true and necessary requirement.
...Leaders and Commanders must train their Soldiers to do it all, but assume risk in the things they cannot train on (is that a paradox?).
Nope, not a paradox just reality; nothing new in that, really. It's just that in the past -- and most particularly from 1980-2003 -- the requirement was simply ignored in hopes it would go away. It did not.

It won't.
That said, this FM serves as a good introduction to training, especially for new company grade officers or junior NCO's, but does not really explain how we will accomplish a T in everything. It is what to do, not how.
More to follow to help you sort out what to emphasize and how to train; plus more from DA on which units are to train for what missions (MCO, Mid Intensity, Low Intensity). That is to say, the Army will be trained to do it all but not all soldiers will train to do it all. If you get a mission switch, you'll get time to train for the new mission. Not enough, there's never enough time...