Quote Originally Posted by selil View Post
That is a bit troubling. The advent of air power was a new kind of war, add in space operations and planning and new methods of war were adopted, never mind the idea of nuclear weapons opening an entire new form of war, cyber like it or not is likely a new domain even if built on the bones of other forms of war.

I imagine the first generals looking at boats saying "Navy? What? That is no way to wage war. You can't wage war from a boat!".

New or old they are changing and morphing.
I see most of these as being new dimensions of war, with the exception of nukes and cyber. Why? Nukes gave generals and politicians their first real weapon that could almost instantly annihilate an opponent. Cyber because it is really attacking different areas and operating with parameters that are considerably different from those of more traditional conflict.

And with the navy analogy...the Romans saw boats as just another way to get close to their opponents and send in the Legions. Boarding tactics were a major part of any of their naval engagements. The Athenians, by contrast, had a very different approach. But they were still different dimensions of the same conflict. Nukes and cyber change the boundaries, IMO.