Good day,
this is my first post, so I would like to say hello to everyone first.

I voted other.
After looking at a couple of the options for while I couldn't decide. Partioning Irak in 3 has been a favorite of mine for a while. They seem to hate eachother more than they hate israel and the US together, but it is not practical. There would have to be massive, forced re-allocations.
The timetable is completely out of question for me, setting one would just allow the insurgents to bed down and wait.
To negotiate with syria and iran, that at first glance seems very logical, but if you consider that they support, train and equip the insurgency in irak I doubt it would work. Second, iran has been trying to be the big brother in the middle east, with the support they give the insurgency it's very easy for them to stop it, if they do it they will be looked upon by the whole middle east as the saviors of irak, which is exactly what they want. We can't give the chance to be that.
A couple of pages back Jimbo wrote about isolating certain cities, I agree, but more importantly we need to isolate irak. We need to secure those borders with syria and iran to prevent the assistance to the insurgents, cut it off before it even gets there. After you'.ve secured the access to irak from those 2 countries, work your way inward. I know, a hell of a lot easier said than done.
