Quote Originally Posted by Entropy View Post
...Edit: As a final point, nations will act in response to serious threats no matter what legality, as they have always done. So is this plan even necessary?
but as I said above:

"...most laws are not designed to protect the weak, they are intended to preserve and enhance the power of the state and its nominal elites." and:

"Because the power structure likes to have the law on their side realizing full well that they'll ignore it when they wish -- knowing that applies to others as well. As I said above, it's a 90% or thereabouts solution, no more."

Plus, as you said:
"So Sec. Chertoff is trying to have it both ways IMO - one cannot simultaneously strengthen the idea of sovereignty while providing a legal basis for violation of that sovereignty or punitive action through sanctions."
True and as you later said:
...We are not talking about holding states accountable for their actions - that is already the standard (*) - we are talking about extending that accountability to things states often cannot control...

The theory of reciprocity is all well and good, but as I noted in my first comment, the reality is different.(emphasis added / kw)
Not much new under the sun, is there...

(*) When it suits, when it suits...