My days with the UNC north of Freedom Bridge (1980) were strict, but often forgiving. So long as we didn't get into fights with the 2nd ID (almost a daily activity), we could contract and be fixed with little more than 30 days grounded at base. Since we were at a minimum of 70 percent strength at all times, most of us could barely get off base more than once a month anyway... so, we could have cared less about the SGM's punishments.

Back then the KATUSA medics checked most of the bars we frequented, and the locals often complied with medical check ups.

Back to your original subject - during trips to the 2nd to use their firing ranges, we often RON'd on base. I would have thought that purchasing services was already distant from Army regs, but what took place on base was ghastly in comparison. I certainly hope that situation has long been rectified.