Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
1. Recognize, announce, and embrace our supporting role, subordinate to the Host Nations we are operating in.

2. Place all detainees under their control, making it FULLY THEIR DECISION as to how they process these guys. Many would be released immediately, many would be shipped to their nation or origin, etc. We can advise, but we should not impose ourself on this process.
So, interesting approach to a resolution, but I worry that the natural outcome is what is in bold above - an immediate release to the prisoners. Based on the SOFA effective date of 1 JAN, I suspect that we will have to follow through with the idea of turning them over, but I suspect that this is a mess right now, and dumping a mess only results in the release of these prisoners (most, if not all of whom were detained/arrested for some reason.)

As for extradition, I suspect that this is a reasonable request, depending on the perspective of the HN govt., but I would prefer to see the trials occur on HN soil where the prisoners are, under the laws of the HN. Naturally, this empowers the HN govt, and places the power back in the hands of the people where the crime was committed. I like the idea of us advising/coaching, but I believe that the issue is upstream - Can we prove what the defendant is accused of, even under the more lenient legal requirements of HN law

The question still remains - what system or processes are in place to facilitate this occurring?