Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
So I like some of the thoughts here, send the detainees back to where they were detained, which I understood to be mainly Afghanistan.
never have been removed.

However, they were. No sense crying about it, it's done. Now we're stuck with people who cannot be tried for violation of US Law because making war against any nation outside that nation is not illegal. We could just release them -- and will release many who have IMO been held pretty much by, for and as Schmedlap says -- and as cover for those who should not be released because they are a threat and a significant one at that. They're prisoners of war in a new kind of war the Geneva Conventions -- and most nation's laws -- do not consider.

So we release Ali and he goes back to irregular warfare. So what, you say?

So he kills one American who happens to be one's nephew... Or one German who happens to be a diplomat and thus antagonizes the Germans. Contemplate what the effect would be were he to be far more effective and pull off a real coup of an operation...

We'd be roundly excoriated for releasing him.

Regardless, there is no easy solution; even the NYT admits that (LINK). They're going to be held somewhere without a trial for a while...