Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
Catching up and have just watched a topical BBC report on this theme, on last night's Newsnight, a "serious" news programme; footage starts just after opening: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode...ht_12_01_2009/

Some points I'd qualify, e.g. the use of the term "moderate" Muslims. It is quite clear that the perception that the UK is not doing enough about Israel's actions is having a marked impact on the Muslim community, where anger is growing.
Can't view this, as I am not in the UK, but I'd walk shy of the so-called "moderate Muslims" in the UK of whom I have met a good few in TV studios. Some advertised as moderate, are clearly not. Some "Moderate Muslims" think the US "had it coming" on Sept 11th.

Amazing how the killing of greater numbers of Muslim Civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq and Darfur are seen as "less radicalising," than in Gaza.

The answer is obvious but clearly unacceptable to some.