Quote Originally Posted by Eden View Post
My point exactly!

As for staff and command muscles - here is the approved staff weenie workout:

Stretch the truth
Wrap your head around obvious nonsense
Run into brick walls (3 sets)
Jump through hoops
Perform mental gymnastics
Bob and weave at the podium for thirty seconds
Cool down with 12-oz curls (as many as you need)
Don't forget these favorites:
--Misinterpret higher headquarters tasker, thereby doubling required workload
--12 hour run with hair on fire in response to above tasker
--Submit/Resubmit staff coordination/decision packet (at least 5 reps, usually with two reconsiderations of non-concurrence by the same office for failing to change "happy" to "glad"
--distill 50 pages of text into 3 bullet .PPT slide for 30 second podium "bob and weave."