An upgrade to the Finnish air defense system has been long scheduled. Seems that FDF has scrapped upgrading the present Russian-made system and leans toward either of two NATO compatible systems.

A factor may be flexibility (the NASAMS missile can be used by the Hornets)vs. range (25k vs 100k), as outlined by Sanomat here.

Government plans to replace Russian anti-aircraft missiles with NATO version

Finland’s air defences are to be upgraded with a missile system used by NATO countries to replace a Russian-built system. A formal decision on the matter is expected early this year.

Helsingin Sanomat has learned that the price tag of the new system could be about EUR 400 million.
The aim is to replace the Russian-built Buk or "Gadfly" system with either a Norwegian or a French-Italian system as of 2012.
The Norwegian missile which is under consideration could also be used by the Hornet jet fighters of the Finnish Air Force. It has a range of 25 kilometres, whereas the Buk can reach targets 35 kilometres away. The range of the French-Italian candidate is 100 kilometres.
Some background on NASAMS (Wiki), AIM-120 AMRAAM (Wiki), NASAMS (manufacturer) and SL-AMRAAM (manufacturer).

Ref to French-Italian SAMP/T (Wiki).