
All three factors or conditions you cite and dozens more are at play and everyone reacts to different stimuli in different ways. What to you may be a reasonably normal situation requiring little or no action may be to me a matter of great urgency requiring immediate departure for safer climes while to Eward Phukabosky, SSgt, USMC it is an incitement to attack, single handedly. What to SGT X may be a minor skirmish may be to LT Y a major engagement while CPT Z is barely aware of the event. LTC AA may be totally oblivious to it and order an action that may be a success or a disaster...

Add to that the fact that the human conscience or concern for right and wrong is (a) infinitely variable between persons; and (b) is very much attuned to the survival instinct -- people one would not think of killing normally can be rapid roadkill without blinking if one feels really threatened and you are, I think, going to have great difficulty having the law serve the soldier; I think it's pretty much going to have to serve society, imperfect as that may be and the soldier is going to have to do his best to comply. Most do that pretty well...