RTK, what a great way to assume we're all gonna die! :-)

No, seriously, very valid point.

Also, the cuffing of sleeves I mentioned only meant one fold, up and in, so the sleeve stopped at the wrist, rather than somewhere on the hand, greatly improving airflow. I could feel my body temp drop significantly when doing this. Sunscreen was mandatory, of course, though, as was hydration, but when we were out at Land Nav the SF selection star course going on in our shared AO lost two soldiers to heat related issues (I think there were other more direct causes, one of which was multiple moccassin bites). I've spent most of my life in hot humid climates, where temperatures regularly got to 110+, and I simply cannot fathom the 140 degree heat you all have had to cope with. Its a huge concern of mine, and I intend to spend this summer making myself miserable in the Texas heat to acclimatize the best I can.

Thinking about that guy who used my info to enlist, I wonder if its worth trying to dig up the results of that. It happened about 15 months ago, and I understand that I have no right to know what happened, but boy, I sure am curious.