Quote Originally Posted by reed11b View Post
...How many disillusioned soldiers quit after one or two enlistments because they tired of being treated like children. There is a low ratio of prior service E-5 and below on this board, so this may not be the best sounding board for that info, but my personal experience working with vets suggest the number is higher then it should be.
One can also ask how many disillusioned LTs and CPTs depart...

Poor education and training works its evil from the bottom to the top. You and I talked about the bottom but as you go up, it's sort of telling that the pet song of several AOAC Classes back in my day was "Wasted Days and Wasted Nights." That may have changed and I really hope it has -- but I don't think I want to bet on it just yet.

Some would be amazed at the number of Officers I've met from long ago to recently who went or are going out of their way to avoid Leavenworth or the Pebntagon -- or the number of MSGs I have known and know that have tried or are trying to figure out how to avoid the USASMA. Many will say bad things about those kinds of folks. Possibly correctly -- but I suggest that those attitudes are indicative of a problem. The system forces in one way or another all those things as stepping stones and everyone knows that. Yet, some, a few to be sure, still try to 'escape.'

Been my observation that if you do it right, people fight to be included...