101. tommyd:

This is a really informative thread, Thanks for all the great info.

Europe is for most purposes already in the can from what I can gather on the subject.

The U.S. is next.

With the incoming administration there is no way we can fight off the attack. Why do you think the rest of the world basically supported Obama?
Now that this has come to pass there will be no stopping the advancement of Islam. The Islamist now know they will have a much easier ride for at least the next 4 years. Does anyone really think the Obama administration will do much other than TALK…
That is exactly what the Islamist are counting on,
While the west TALKS and postures and takes comfort in being “PC” the Islamist are moving, building, expanding, fortifying their positions.
Fundamental Tactics,
They are on a War footing and the west is worried about what size their next flat panel T.V is going to be.
Face the facts, The Political class in the U.S. is brain dead. The citizenship for the most part is too decadent to see the tsunami coming square on.
Attention All Hands:
Stand by for Heavy Rolls.
Someone from PJ Media buy this guy a plane ticket to Prague, Budapest, or Berlin like Joe the plumber to look for the "lost" Europe living under Islamic law.