Quote Originally Posted by Voodoun View Post
Col Jones, right or wrong, reshaping the middle east has been a policy of the US for quite some time




De Opresso Liber - don't we reshape everytime we do just that?
And now we grow nearer to the root of the problem! We have indeed made the shaping of the Middle East a central part of our foreign policy and engagement for some 65 years now. The first 45 of that were to wage the Cold War. The last 20 are what should be carefully reviewed and upgraded for the world we live in today.

If the people of the Middle East were primarily Hindu we would be facing a "radical Hindu" problem right now.

The question is, why are these people so upset, and why are they directing that in our general direction? Those who contribute it to differences of religion, or jealousy, or any one of another dozen favorites that get wheeled out to avoid taking any responsibility back on ourselves are why we are 8 years into this problem, with little headway to show for it. This is not to say it is our fault, for I am with the President here, and will not apologize. But recognizing ones responsibilities are a far cry from accepting blame for a complex problem that many factors have contributed to.