wow, I guess I have to start checking this board every day now... so much has gone on in this thread for me to even cover any informative response in less than two pages.

ok, where do I start.

I've noticed that a major point of contention is the value of a centralized governmental organization to manage PsyOp/Influence Ops? and corodinate between the State, Intelligence, and Defense departments, correct?

OSI, I really don't know much about the OSI... but my political leanings kinda kick in here, the concept reeked of OWI Orwellian propaganda. But I'm just a paranoid Libertarian, and that might be the cause of me perceiving it like that.

From what I've read most of the OSI's responsibilities have been transferred to the IO Task Force. But of course this is all run by the DOD. OK, I'm getting side tracked....

To put my PERSONAL opinion on the subject in very plain words.. is that a national level agency coordinating IO worldwide, broken down into regional operating areas might help in some aspects, but it would instantaneously be shut down just like the OSI by political turf wars and public dissension to such programs.