kville79 Another point contended in this post hits kinda close to home...

I'm not an elegant writer so I'm not going to use euphemism and literary tools like "rolled sleeves", "burned by brass" and their like, but I will try to convey my experiences and opinions as concisely as possible.
Has nothing to do with "euphemisms" or "literary tools". Simple answers to simple questions, nothing more, nothing less.

When it comes down to the effectiveness of the "Tactical Corporal" being the end user of PsyOp Product or the deliverer of the message to the mass populace, he's just as good as the next guy. When it comes down to it 90% of an average low income Iraqi's image of the USA is that American soldier. He doesn't have MTV, he doesn't know enough English to understand what 2Pac is saying on that CD, even though he likes the beat. What he knows is the guys in ACU's who drives around his village once a week.
Actually kinda funny. Didn't know low income Iraqi's only image of the US was us soldiers. If memory serves me right these same low income families are the ones who are the most manipulated in the country. They are bought by a number of players on the ground in Iraq, be it us, local sheiks, foreign influences, criminals, the list goes on. Understand these "low income Iraqis" are where the fight is being won and lost on many levels. Sometimes it is as easy as employing them to wear PT belts and guard the highway, but to continue to foster that relationship sometimes one must "persuade" the local sheik to not be so greedy with his "take" of their profits. There are so many different levels to this, do not start to group them and put percentages on them. Last time I checked there were more houses with Satellite dishes than without. Do not underestimate their knowledge or perceptions.

That being said, PsyOps is way more effective in handling situations that the "Tactical Corporal" can not, or should not be involved with. For example, dealing with local black marketers or gun/drug runners without shooting or arresting them. For you commanders out there... PLEASE use us like this!
There are thousands of ways that PsyOps can be utilized, and we only get used in 1% of our many facets. This is usually due to a bad CAPEs breif, but sometimes by the supported unit's commander's choice.
Serious heartburn forming here, but will not diminish the effectiveness of this forum. Just remember that competency can go a long way. In reality I want to know what you can do for me, quite simply with you or without you I will change what is happening in my AOR. I will deal with the gray area guys, might already be doing so. Yes my perspective is different than others on here, but if you can't sell your abilities/capabilities then you end up not being utilized, but to pull security. Seems like you acknowledge the fact that it usually do to a bad CAPEs brief, so one only has to look as far as ones own product. For my own knowledge what quantifies PsyOps to deal with the black market/gun dealers/smugglers more so than the "Tactical Corporal"? This gets at the heart of my point about competency. Don't take this the wrong way, but if the info in your briefs resemble the info you post I can see why your under/misutilized.....just remember competency.

Another facet of the Grunt Vs. PsyOp, etc... argument is the mental capacity that is required for each task... and something about fight vs. flight adrenaline... reaction determined by training... blah, blah, etc.. etc...
Never have claimed to be a smart man. Obviously if I was I wouldn't be doing what I do for the same paycheck others get for doing less. Unfortunately I love what I do and wouldn't change it for the world. Has nothing to do with mental capacity of one vs the other. Simply some are more adept to things than others.

OK, first off... from my personal experience, which is actually next to nil (only had rounds go my direction once), I can say training doesn't determine your actions. Training makes you instinctively ask questions, i.e. where are the shots coming from, All sorts of situation awareness questions like where am I situated amongst my comrades, are there any adjacent units, the list can go on, but I believe someone posted up a pretty good list of things earlier on in the thread. All this happens in a split second, I think only one question get asked after you start firing back... "What where those dang ROE's?"
Violent disagreement here. Training does determine your actions. Human instinct is flight. No one in their right mind wants to stay around to be shot at. Luckily we overcome this instinct through training. Sorry but no questions arise here. Going in already know what I have available, the only thing is how I'm going to utilize it. Situational awareness should be constant, not something that you suddenly realize when the bullets start flying. I already know who is where and what assets I have. Through training I make the decision how to employ them and where. One reacts instinctively based on training, we rewire our brains, some better than others and then some just are not wired right to begin with, just ask my wife.

Again apologize if this seemed outta context, not eloquent with words like some are, but working on it.