Quote Originally Posted by ODB View Post

Violent disagreement here. Training does determine your actions. Human instinct is flight. No one in their right mind wants to stay around to be shot at. Luckily we overcome this instinct through training. Sorry but no questions arise here. Going in already know what I have available, the only thing is how I'm going to utilize it. Situational awareness should be constant, not something that you suddenly realize when the bullets start flying. I already know who is where and what assets I have. Through training I make the decision how to employ them and where. One reacts instinctively based on training, we rewire our brains, some better than others and then some just are not wired right to begin with, just ask my wife.
I have to violently disagree with you on this. If only training and drills kept soldiers from fleeing when they made contact w/ the enemy then M day National Guard soldiers would have all broken in Iraq. It is the sense of duty and the support of your peers that keeps us in the fight. I also feel that saying that "you must always have situational awareness, not just when the bullets start flying" is a cop out. While it is technically true, once the bullets start flying, obviously the situation has changed and how it has changed must be assessed. You do think in combat. The ability to make choices in high stress situations is what separates good leaders from bad ones and the ability to make far reaching decisions under stress is what separates great leaders from the merely good ones.