Quote Originally Posted by Jones_RE View Post
Never happen. The services always split the budget pretty much into thirds. Of course, the Army isn't shelving Future Combat Systems or Land Warrior to get tanks back into action, either.

One speculates that this may be an Army version of the old city hall trick: any time someone demands tax cuts, city council draws up a plan to downsize the police, fire fighters, ambulances, teachers and so forth. By showcasing how the current budget is inadequate to get our soldiers "the equipment they need" (more tanks?) perhaps some Army brass thinks that they'll get more cash out of the next budget supplemental.
Actually this isn't quite the case. There have been periods when the AF has gotten close to 50% of the defense budget.

That said, I do agree that this is most likely some supplemental "posturing" on the part of Army brass who have seen it work before (for their service and for others).