Quote Originally Posted by selil View Post
Already bought both books and waiting on delivery. Should be here today I hope. I got a couple others on math of gaming, etc...

I'll contact BayonetBrant , heck maybe he'll want what I'm developing.

Contact away! (Sorry, but I'm not around much on weekends. SWJ is 'required' reading at work, but I'm trying to keep the computer in the bag on the weekends these days and spend more time with family).

One thing I've noticed is that although you specified a 'table top' game, there were a lot of computer game suggestions.

Other books to recommend:
Raph Koster's A Theory of Fun For Game Design
and anything by Salen & Zimmerman

Also, Dunnigan's book is available online, for free: http://www.hyw.com/Books/WargamesHandbook/Contents.htm

PM me, or email me, and I'll see what I can do to help out. This is kinda my schtick