You have it wrong... just re-read my post and try to understand.

What I am saying is that the Army normally allows the Single Career Soldier on Military Training and Tranistion Teams (MITT) to collect BAH while deployed - BUT, has temporarily suspended that (from APR08 to JUL09). The policy was not staffed thoroughly to identify all the second and third order effects (like the one I am posting).

I have three goals here: 1) correct this interim policy so that the Single Career Soldiers on MITT Teams continue to draw BAH; 2) address the larger "grass-roots" issue here that Single Career Soldiers should be allowed to collect BAH just like married or with-dependant Soldiers regardless of assignment - a Single Soldier doesn't want or need to establish a home?; 3) address the fairness of allowing married or with-dependant Soldiers to "PCS" their families twice in less than a two-year period when deploying to a combat zone.

If a Soldier, regardless of status "chooses" to live in the barracks then he should not be able to draw BAH. BUT, if the Army forces that Soldier to go to Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan or even Korea then he should be able to keep BAH just like the married Soldiers.

I have addressed this to the right folks, but am not getting their full attention yet. I am hoping that by getting the message out, we can all work together to get it fixed. I am assaulting the issues in a variety of ways (this is only one of them).

** Career Soldier - generally an E6 or above (i.e. E6 thru W5 thru O10). E5 and below are not generally considered "career" Soldiers yet.