Quote Originally Posted by John T. Fishel View Post
the literature on development. Look braodly: economic, political, social. Lots of stuff from the anthropologists, particularly relevant at the tactical level. This literature dates from the 1950s and there is a tremendous amount of good stuff that has been forgotten and/or never assimilated by others outside the disciplines that produced it. Key here is to look for stuff that is outside the places you have already looked and integrate it with your project management and interagency stuff.

Good luck


Thanks John- Much appreciated.

It definitely appears that a lot of what we're up to today violates a lot of old lessons learned in civilian community development circles long ago. That old human quality of arrogance is interesting in the way we see everything as "new", simply because it is new to us!

Lt Col Mark Ulrich really impressed me in his COIN IPB seminar last year with his humility. He quite openly said "Hey look- none of this stuff is new. This seminar could have been given decades ago. It is simply that someone is giving it all to you in one place."

If the only way my project is original is that it takes the best of what is currently out there, and puts it all down in a usable fashion in one document, I'll be very happy indeed.