Quote Originally Posted by Hacksaw View Post
Gian and WILF...

Soph in College with no personal reference point for the nature of warfare.

Directing him to Carl first is akin to telling a young child to learn the history of the Jewish nation by picking up a copy of the Old
Testament and following the story.

Can it be done, yeah but....

I think its a poor place to direct a neophyte "first"...
Not to pile on, but to really understand St Carl, one ought to read and understand Hegel first, since On War is largely a practical application of the Hegelian dialectic to the world of human conflict, representing one instantiation in the world of human activities of the dialectic movement by which the Absolute Ideal becomes concrete--again not a task I'd recommend to your average college sophomore, especially one who may be embarking on this endeavor as a solo venture.

Have you guys read Hegel's Logic or Phenomenolgy of the Spirit ? It makes reading Carl seem like a cakewalk.