If we accept, in more than just an abstract sense, that the deployment, strictures and funding of our armed forces stem from political decisions, I feel the questioning of the commitment of the British Army astonishing and remarkably small minded.

The perceived lack of British Military's commitment in Afghanistan, for example, has basis in the refusal of the British Government to commit additional funding and troops. Lest we forget we live not in a military dictatorship but a liberal democracy.

For those in the U.S. military it is worth remembering the damage that was done to your armed forces by the Clinton administration. Surely, these shortcomings were not blamed on the armed forces themselves?

This is more than just another 'rearguard' defence of the British Army by one of its own. In my own experience, I have had nothing but support from my U.S. counterparts, in turn I have nothing but admiration for them. Let's not get confused between the arguments of political expediency and a the need to maintain a meaningful relationship between the armed forces of two countries, a bond formed, at some of our worst moments in history, in bloodshed.