It is the Pukhtuns who want FATA to have Province status. However, the abrupt abolition of the "Black Laws" is hardly a year old, and FATA is about as backward, tribally, as it gets over there.

I have weekly e-mail dialogue with folks in and nearby FATA, all Pukhtuns as the interactive website is a Pukhtun ethnic site, and their views to me, over and over, are what I am reflecting here, not some secret knowledge that I uniquely have.

Splintering is in vogue over there, not unifying, that I can safely say based on the revolts underway in Balcoshistan, Waziristan, FATA, and the NWFP.

Swat to me is somewhat unique as they did well under others rule and now are suffering murder and heinous crimes from other tribes which have nothing in common with the culture and heritage of native tribes inside Swat.