Quote Originally Posted by Steel31968 View Post
3) I disagree on this point, the military has adapted, faster than the rest of government in this area. We now have folks with more experience in reconstruction and governance at the CPT/MAJ level than we even should have had. Unfortunately, many just did what they had to do without training to make it happen. A function better performed at the inter-agency level when talking reconstruction of governments and systems beyond the military. I could argue many CPT's have a better appreciation of border control/customs than our federal agents in the same departments, especially the impacts above the tactical level.

Look forward to more posts
John, thanks for the feedback and comments and I will comment more in depth at another time, but I want to emphasize that I do not consider reconstruction and governance to be STABO operations, nor are they truly the mission of the military, CA being the exception. STABO is providing immediate post conflict security and insuring the population has access to basic needs; i.e. Food, water, sanitation, medical support and in industrialized countries, electricity. Rebuilding is the job of the population and if the security aspect allows that to move faster then good. This building schools nonsense to defeat or prevent insurgency is a rather poor utilization of military assets and cost effectiveness IMNSHO.