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  1. #9
    Former Member George L. Singleton's Avatar
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    South of Mason Dixon Line

    Default Some more Pukhtun tribal problems background facts


    Your analysis is pretty much on target.

    The pieces to this Pukhtun puzzle are as you noted are fragmented all over the place.

    My simplistic analysis in discussing and watching this deterioration over there since 9/11:

    1. Under former President Musharraf they did hit and run "fixes" in the troubled areas, FATA, Swat, Waziristan, Balochistan. Pak Army goes in, has a fire fight, razes homes of terrorists, then pulls back out.

    2. Both under Musharraf and now under new elected President, husband of late Benazir Bhutto, jirgas and negotiations are forever on again, off again, to absolutely no lasting avail whatsoever.

    3. Core struggle is over religion, pure and simple.

    4. Pukhtun "belt" population as a whole have been among the poorest people in all of Pakistan, who factually or not in all alleged cases, have axes to grind with the central and regional governments (same cabal when it comes to governance). The "government" to them is mainly Punjabis who are also the majority of the successful business class throughout Pakistan, and nationwide the majority ethnic grouping in the total population.

    5. In the Pak military there are a substantial number of Pukhtuns who find jobs there.

    6. All Taliban being Pukhtuns, it is alleged, likely true, by commentators on their site (Hujra Online) that you now have "cousins fighting cousins", Pukhtuns in military of Paksitan up against Taliban Pukhtuns who in many instances are either blood kin or who grew up together as children, what we in the South here refer to as "near kin."

    7. Attempts to use Frontier Corp troops instead of regular Pakistan Army troops to me, just my view, is a big part of the FC troops "are largely, not just some of them" Pukhtuns, and several times now in past two or so years I have felt the FC troops have both "changed sides" when it suited them to not kill each other (Pukhtuns) and to a lesser extent have mutinied and changed sides for good!

    8. In Swat, where I have contacts both over there and back here in the States who go back and forth for family events, weddings and such, home visits, the Pak military only recently started to put troops into Swat for a more or less "longer" period of stay/posting, then turned around and made these troop placements into cantonments, ie, self contained "forts" and the troops then don't effectively go out, mix with the locals, and provide the security back up to the local police and to the people, who are openly still being their own homes in a growing number of cases...especially those who speak out against terrorism and the Taliban are being attacked, as in murdered, in their own homes in front of other family members who "get the message" and cease resisting, in some cases, join the Taliban.

    IDEAS FOR SOLUTION: Pakistan has to stop playing games to look for excuses to remove just placed major numbers of soldiers in these hot areas that in almost all cases now are in open revolt, where sectarian, ie, Pukhtun tribalism is mixed with terrorism, ie, Taliban, as anyone/everyone who hates the central and central appointed or allied/elected provincial goverment will and are now "reinforcing" each other against what I view as common sense "law and order" or the writ of law. At present, Pak Army has moved large elements to border with India using Mumbai terrorist attacks fiasco as an excuse to protect against a trumped up by the Pakistani ISI [excuse or allegation] of an imminent Indian military invasion. This whole damn "hate India" theme has been used since 1947 to keep Pakistanis from long term focusing on and getting lasting political fixes to internal domestic, economic, educational, etc, etc., problems.

    The Taliban and al Qaida defacto have allies in the Pakistani Government, Army, and the ISI, as seen by most Pukhtun writers on Hujra Online, and I am starting to agree with them, as moving troops away from fighting terrorists to the stupid Indian border just lets the damned terrorists have the run of the ground in Swat, FATA, NWFP, Waziristan, and Balochistan ALL OVER AGAIN!

    A MIDDLE GROUND of sane Pukhtuns do not totally reject the national/nationally backed provincial governments, and these are mainly YOUNGER Pukhtuns who have educations to even be on a website such as Hujra Online.

    The hope, or failure of Northern Pakistan is largely with the high school and university age young men and women who are Pukhtuns. These in the main are who write on this site and who I communicate with as best I can.

    MULTILINGUAL, not stupid, folks, these Pukhtuns. A typical educated or being educated today Pukhtun, is eduated in Urdu (the official language of the Pak Government is Urdu. Urdu is the identifying language of Punjabis, anethma to older Pukhtuns and to a growing number of younger Pukhtuns).

    They then "chose" to save their culture via their language, which they also study and become fluent in, Pashtu.

    To be effective in both the region and on a world level, focused on Pukhtuns overseas in Europe, Canada, and the US, they learn and are pretty good with English.

    FINAL HISTORIC OBSERVATION: Some, but not all young Pukhtuns and very many older Pukhtuns in both Paksitan and Afghanistan (which is majority Pukhtun) go on and on about the DURAND LINE from early 1900s which is the official border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. When Durand Line comes up you are being told defacto that Pukhtuns want a united, to them reuinted, tribal nation made up of most of today's Afghanistan and large parts of Northern Pakistan. They exhibit no common sense about infrastructure, or lack there of, jobs, unresolvable poverty, lack of adequate schools...Taliban style Pukthuns of course are busy burning, blowing up, and killing teachers of girls schools all the time.

    FAILING US efforts to dump billions of dollars worth of AID and development into Northern Pakistan. It is unsafe to go anywhere to build or do almost anything in N. Pakistan now without massive military protection, protection which the Pakistan military is NOT providing for foreigners, US, French, German, Chinese, you name one, to go out into the now boiling with terrorism and terrorists backward areas. Even loyal to central and provincial Pak government officials are as often as not murdered and unable to function outside of equivalent of well protected areas and cities..and even big cities ; the largest in North Pakistan is Peshawar, is infested with terrorists, bombings, murders, and fire fights of Taliban in groups with local police, Frontier Corp troops, regular Pak Army troops.

    It is my crackpot theory that the worldwide recession, which overseas is already at depression proportions, is creating more suicide bombers and more and more of the poor over there have nothing to live for and religious terrorists are using their economic despair to "offer them Heaven on a bomb vest."

    AFGHANISTAN as regards Pukhtun separatism is actually less of a problem than Pakistan as not only are the majority of Afghans Pukhtuns ethnically/tribally to begin with, but President Karzai himself is a Pukhtun.

    Enough now from me, what say others of you or do you have questions, criticism, or want to narrow some of these shotgun blast statements from me? *Please overlook my many typos. Tks.
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 02-05-2009 at 06:11 PM. Reason: Typo corrections

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