I think this is a two-way street that has been neglected for a long time and it now just a potholed eyesore that nobody even thinks about traveling down.

Certainly, the most valuable intel assets are the Soldiers on the ground. But their intel is useless if they don't..
1) pass it up to the 2 shop
2) pass along stuff that is relevant
3) pass along "just the facts" first, with their "analysis" second (if at all)

Surprisingly, a relatively easy fix to this solution is to ensure that a rep from the 2 shop debriefs each patrol or - what works well for the SF folks - have a resident 18F honcho the intel effort at the lowest level. For the non-SF combat arms who aren't going to be assigned that kind of expertise below the Bn level, perhaps rotate 2 shop personnel down to the company level. It's manpower lost in the 2 shop but, in my opinion, would pay off in the long run. What good is having a shop full of intel minions if you're not getting anything of value from the companies for them to analyze?

Likewise, many 2 shops (not all) tend to do a poor job of generating intelligence requirements for the line units to collect and a poor job of driving operations once they've amassed enough intel to do so. But they can't just dream up good ideas for the shooters to implement. If there is insufficient two-way communication between collection and analysis, then the 2 shop is going to be dreaming up bright ideas that the line units will look at and say, "this is out of the left field bleachers. Who's the guy at Bn who got visited by the bad idea fairy? Screw this." - and then close down PowerPoint and hit the delete button.

I've seen 2 shops fail to drive operations. More often than not, it is due to...
1) a lack of input from the lower echelon
2) in thankfully rare occasions, a lack of solid guidance from the commander
3) excessive demands from higher echelons to push products up, rather than down, leaving little time to be bothered with the pesky mission that the unit deployed to accomplish