Quote Originally Posted by Entropy View Post
We even see some of this operations-becomes-intelligence dynamic among the air forces in what's called Non-traditional ISR (NTISR). Increasingly, non-intelligence platforms are being used for intelligence purposes - specifically aircraft with EO/IR sensors. Much of the time they are performing what is really an intelligence/overwatch role instead of a straight combat role. They are not ISR assets, however, and are not doctrinally or functionally tied to intelligence, so the information they provide, while useful at the real-time tactical level, may never be further exploited by intelligence professionals. This is another area that needs more work.

New UAS's like Reaper blur the line even more. Is Reaper an ISR asset? Is it an operational combat asset? The Air Force, I think, is still figuring that one out. In reality it's both, but because the C2 that controls and coordinate ISR and combat aircraft assets are different (in the AF and Navy at least), the question of who controls the asset becomes an important one.
IMO these are one of the most misutilized assets today. I want to utilize them to watch things on the ground. Unfortunately these assets have turned into the ultimate reality TV show for those far removed from the ground truth. I do not want you Monday morning quarterbacking my operations, I want to be able to use these assets to help drive my operations. I do not want my operations observed for all to see. Nothing worse than going out to conduct a hit and finding out you are being observed. Make a radio call and higher confirms they put the asset on you! One word horse####!!! Getting these assets to do what it is they do best is impossible.